Property quality
The average age of our properties is 10.5 years, built under the best quality standards and always with a focus on energy efficiency and profitability. From the materials to the conception of the design of the properties, it considers sustainability attributes to keep costs and operating expenses minimal for us and our tenants, as well as an adequate thermal sensation for the people who visit us.
Business model resilience
Our tenant portfolio has a GLA + 75% of tenants and high credit quality, being anchors and sub-anchors. Like Wal-mart, H.E.B., Coppel, Suburbia and others. We have 36 diversified properties in 18 states, an average property age of 10.5 years and an average length of contracts of 4.1 years. During the pandemic none of our shopping centers closed completely, within our composition of GLA 43% were considered essential businesses.